Lunivernal calendar - Year 10 - "Freedom"
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For more explanations of the concept and every specific part of the design elements see below.
Aquila (Eagle) constellation

Aquila lies on the celestial equator. It consists of about 120 stars visible to the naked eye. In antiquity, it was called Zeus’ bird (DiÓs Órnis). Initially, it also included the stars of Ganymede, whom Zeus grabbed as an eagle and raised to Olympus to become his cupbearer, limiting the role of Hebe. Later on by the will of the emperor Hadrian the stars of Ganymede, on the wings of the Eagle, were named after his protégé, Antinous.

Astronomical symbol of the Eagle constellation

The planet Jupiter is the largest in the solar system in size and mass. It is the fifth planet from the Sun. Its mass is two and a half times greater than all the other planets combined. It is the third brightest object in the night sky after the Moon and Venus. It is surrounded by at least 80 satellites.
The planet is named after the god Jupiter and its largest moon is named Ganymede.

The astronomical symbol of the planet Jupiter

As an evergreen, ivy is a symbol of immortality. Its blooming and fruiting stand in contrast to the vine's annual cycle. In Greek mythology, it is the plant of Dionysus along with the vine.
Ivy leaves also adorn the head of Hebe, the personification of eternal youth, who offers the drink of immortality to the gods of Olympus. The liberated celebrated an annual festival in her honor as a liberating goddess.
* In Greek, Hebe (Ήβη) is pronounced almost identically to the word ivy.
The energy of thought is fiery. The fire was acquired by humans in violation of the divine will and therefore set their soul on fire as a punishment. It serves them while also devouring them. It offers Freedom from ignorance while at the same time revealing the limitless power of Necessity.